The New Sounds (8/21)

Paul Cézanne, Study of Foliage (1900-04)

That was quick. Summer. It flew by faster than a Fauci opening pitch. Oh, wait. That was last summer. Duh. You remember, the pandemic summer? Before the vaccines, when we were still trying to figure how to navigate a socially-distanced and mostly-masked season of sun and fun? Those were heady days. Guys, we sacrificed alot. And by alot, I mean ALOT. And we learned even more about ourselves. Like, for example, how to set aside our personal freedoms for the common good.

And once we hit 2021, and Pfizer and Moderna and J&J got approved, we could finally, finally be optimistic. We did it. We made it through the pandemic. We got shots, and we knocked Covid on its a$$. Boom. And everything got back to the old normal. Great job! Seriously, what a great job we did! So dang proud.

Real quick. The header image is by Cézanne. I’m pretty sure that he hasn’t been cancelled yet, though he did hang with Gaugin. (Not being ironic. I’m fine with cancelling bad ppl. Bob Dylan is one of my favorite artists of all time, and I haven’t listened to second of his music since he got provisionally cancelled. There’s other music.) Anyway, MOMA in NYC currently has an exhibition of PC’s drawerings. I’d like to see that, but I don’t live in that city. And delta.

The New Sounds from August…

More soon.


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