31 Days of Dead 2021 | Day #30: The Other One > Comes a Time – Frankfurt, West Germany 4/26/72

December 30
The Other One > Comes a Time
4/26/72 – Jahrhundert Halle – Frankfurt, West Germany

Wow! This one starts off flying! After the drums and bass intro, the band launch into an absolutely legendary “Other One” that is so in the zone it has to be heard to be believed. Jerry explodes out of the gate with a blizzard of lightning-fast notes that are so furious and intense that it feels like a runaway train. The man is possessed.

Things cool down temporarily as the band prepares to take you on a long, deep ride into the cosmos with fluid jamming that shifts through a myriad styles and themes: we get Feelin’ Groovy teases towards the beginning, an incredible “Clementine” jam at around 18:20 (the rare Hunter-Lesh song from 1968 that was never recorded), Bobby’s Spanish Jam attempt beginning at the 27:30 mark, and a spell-binding jazz jam at 31:44 that builds with jaw-dropping intensity and brings everything back to earth for the final verse. Of course, there is a lot of the standard ’72 weirdness in there that we all love – a bass solo, Space, Feedback, a Tiger jam and Sputnik jamming. A serene and beautifully poignant “Comes a Time” feels like a warm hug after the journey that preceded it.

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#jahrhunderthalle #gratefuldead #jerrygarcia #bobweir #phillesh #billkreutzmann #keithgodchaux #donnagoschaux #pigpen #31daysofdead #linernotesmusicblog

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